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Writer's pictureMartin Piskoric

Anthony Nitsos: How Can CFOs Diagnose & Cure Your Cash Flow Woes?

Anthony Nitsos, experienced CFO and financial expert, shares insights on diagnosing and solving cash flow problems during his interview on the 21st Century Entrepreneurship podcast.

Cash flow issues can cripple a company before it even has a chance to grow. For many entrepreneurs and founders, understanding the intricate financial details can be daunting. This is where Anthony Nitsos, a former medical student turned CFO, steps in with a unique approach—treating your company's financial health like a doctor diagnosing and curing a patient. In this episode of 21st Century Entrepreneurship, Anthony shares how he combines medical methodology, manufacturing experience, and finance to help businesses fix their financial woes, build sustainable cash flow, and increase their company valuation.

Understanding the Root Cause of Financial Problems

Anthony likens his work as a CFO to being a “doctor of money.” Instead of simply treating symptoms, he focuses on finding and addressing the root cause of financial distress.

"When I come into a client, the first thing I'm looking at is diagnosing what the symptoms are so that I can cure the problem, not just treat it," he explains.

Many businesses waste time and resources trying to patch up their financial struggles with spreadsheets and reports without addressing the core issue. By applying the same diagnostic rigor as a doctor, Anthony helps businesses stop financial "bleeding" and get back on track.

His approach involves using the Five Whys technique, a process improvement tool he adapted from his manufacturing background. By asking "why" repeatedly, Anthony uncovers the root causes of issues, whether it’s a lack of inventory control, communication breakdown, or cash flow inefficiencies. "Once you fix that root cause, it goes away forever," he emphasizes.

The CFO as a Central Pillar of Business Health

Anthony’s unconventional journey from medicine to finance has given him unique insights into how businesses should operate. Just like the human body relies on its core strength, businesses depend on their financial core—especially the accounting system. "Your core is your accounting system, and you have to have it set up the right way," Anthony says. Without a solid accounting foundation, businesses struggle to make informed decisions, forecast accurately, and build sustainable growth.

One of the common mistakes he points out is letting tax accountants set up financial systems. "A tax accountant knows taxes, but they don’t understand the nuances of your business operations." He advocates for creating a financial infrastructure that reflects the real-world intricacies of your business, such as splitting payroll costs between departments to see how investments in areas like sales or R&D impact overall performance.

Building Value by Focusing on the Right Metrics

For SaaS companies, Anthony stresses the importance of tracking the right financial metrics—such as Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), net dollar retention, and gross margin. These are the building blocks for long-term success. "ARR is what drives your valuation more than anything else," he notes. Businesses should aim to streamline their processes to improve these key performance indicators (KPIs), as they are the benchmarks investors and buyers use when assessing company value.

Anthony also points out that businesses often miss opportunities by not optimizing their revenue models. For example, many companies offer monthly contracts when they could improve cash flow by charging annually upfront. "You can only spend cash, not income," he reminds entrepreneurs, underscoring the importance of maximizing liquidity to sustain operations and seize growth opportunities.

Leveraging AI for Greater Efficiency

With AI revolutionizing industries, Anthony predicts that companies will need to adopt these technologies to stay competitive. "There’s a macroeconomic and a microeconomic impact of AI," he explains. While AI tools can automate tasks and make financial processes more efficient, Anthony sees their biggest advantage in making humans more productive. "Instead of managing 100 clients, AI could help you manage 200 or even 300." For CFOs, AI will enable quicker access to real-time data, ensuring faster and better-informed decision-making.

Key TakeawaysAnthony Nitsos offers a refreshing perspective on how CFOs can approach business finance. By treating financial problems as medical diagnoses, he addresses root causes instead of just symptoms. His hands-on experience with SaaS companies and AI shows that with the right financial systems in place, businesses can optimize cash flow, increase valuation, and prepare for long-term growth.

Key takeaways from the discussion include:

  1. Diagnose, Don’t Just Treat: Focus on finding and addressing the root cause of financial issues to ensure long-term health.

  2. Get Your Core Right: Set up a solid accounting system that reflects your business’s unique needs.

  3. Measure What Matters: Focus on key financial metrics, such as ARR and gross margin, to drive valuation.

  4. Leverage Technology: Use AI to boost productivity and decision-making efficiency.

To learn more about how Anthony and his team can help diagnose and fix your company’s cash flow challenges, visit their website and download the ebook at For ongoing insights on optimizing financial systems and building value, be sure to subscribe to the 21st Century Entrepreneurship podcast.


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