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Writer's pictureMartin Piskoric

Luke Diaz: Can Entrepreneurs Learn Faster?

Updated: Oct 13

"Portrait of Luke Diaz, technology investor and founder of DBT Ventures, smiling confidently"

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, time is a luxury few can afford. Yet, the thirst for knowledge and guidance remains unquenched for many who navigate the tumultuous journey of building a business. Enter Luke Diaz, a former hedge fund partner turned technology investor and founder of DBT Ventures, an entity that stands for "Do Big Things." In a recent podcast episode, Diaz shared insights from his remarkable journey from finance to fostering startup success, emphasizing the power of resilience, diversity, and the transformative impact of knowledge distilled from hundreds of influential books.

From Finance to Fostering Success

Luke Diaz's career trajectory is anything but ordinary. Beginning in the competitive world of finance in Beijing, China, Diaz quickly realized that his passion lay elsewhere. "I didn't like finance or wearing suits," he confessed, marking the start of his pivot into the technology sector. There, he found his calling in building customer success teams and investing in promising startup founders. This shift led to the creation of DBT Ventures, through which Diaz has invested millions in startups, guided by a mantra to "do big things."

A Commitment to Diversity and Equity

One of Diaz's most striking revelations pertains to the funding gap faced by female and BIPOC founders. Despite females starting about 20% of companies, they receive a mere 2% of venture capital. Similarly, BIPOC founders are significantly less likely to be funded compared to their white counterparts. "I was appalled when I saw this data," Diaz remarked, highlighting his commitment to bridging this gap by investing in what he calls "underdogs" with resilience and a vision to prove their detractors wrong.

Knowledge as a Catalyst for Success

Understanding the time constraints faced by entrepreneurs, Diaz embarked on a mission to distill wisdom from hundreds of books recommended by successful founders. He created concise summaries that offer 80% of a book's value in just 5-10 minutes of reading time. This initiative, aimed at saving entrepreneurs countless hours, reflects Diaz's belief in the power of knowledge to change the course of business and personal growth.

Resilience: The Mark of a True Founder

The concept of resilience resonates deeply with Diaz, both personally and professionally. He seeks founders with a compelling reason for their resilience, whether it's a desire to change the world, a challenging upbringing, or a drive to prove themselves. Diaz's own endeavors, from learning to fly an airplane to completing an Ironman triathlon, underscore his belief in pushing beyond limits to achieve freedom and self-realization.

"Resilience is my favorite trait in a founder. It's about having a deep well to draw from, almost unlimited water to help put out fires, and that's very beautiful."

Financial Wisdom for the Future

Diaz also touched on the subject of money, emphasizing its role as a tool that amplifies character rather than a path to happiness. He advocates for the power of compounding and the importance of starting early to secure financial freedom. This advice is crucial for entrepreneurs navigating the financial challenges of building a business.

Luke Diaz's journey from finance to technology investor illustrates the transformative power of resilience, diversity, and knowledge. By focusing on underrepresented founders and distilling wisdom from influential books, Diaz is not just investing in businesses; he's investing in the future of entrepreneurship.

For those inspired by Diaz's story and insights, visiting library offers a gateway to the book summaries that have shaped the success of many founders. In the world of entrepreneurship, where time is scarce, and challenges abound, embracing resilience, seeking diverse perspectives, and leveraging the distilled wisdom of those who have walked the path before can be the key to doing big things.


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