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  • Writer's pictureMartin Piskoric

How Authenticity Drives Exponential Growth on YouTube

Updated: 4 days ago

Guest: Nick Shaw

Nick Shaw, co-founder and CEO of RP Strength, sharing insights on how authenticity fueled exponential growth on YouTube during his podcast interview.

In the ever-evolving world of social media, many entrepreneurs wonder, How can I grow a massive following to help my business thrive? For Nick Shaw, co-founder and CEO of RP Strength (formerly Renaissance Periodization), the answer is simple—authenticity. Through embracing the candid and often controversial personality of his co-founder, Dr. Mike, Nick’s company has experienced exponential growth, especially on YouTube. Today, with over 2 million subscribers and 100 million views, RP Strength is proof that being genuine can be a game-changer.

How Authenticity Transformed RP Strength’s YouTube Presence

When COVID-19 disrupted businesses globally, RP Strength was forced to re-evaluate its social media strategy. Like many companies, they initially tried to remain neutral, avoiding any potential controversies. "I wrongly believed that me, myself, and the company were supposed to be like Switzerland," Nick admits. This approach, however, stifled the natural charisma of Dr. Mike, who is known for his colorful commentary.

Nick recalls the shift: "We started letting little bits and pieces of him out, and people loved it." The authenticity of Dr. Mike’s personality began resonating with audiences, and RP Strength leaned fully into it. Nick continues,

"You can't be for everybody. You have to figure out who you're for and then go after those folks with reckless abandon."

Embracing Controversy: A Bold Move

One of the biggest lessons Nick learned is that trying to appeal to everyone can lead to inauthenticity. The shift toward embracing Dr. Mike’s true personality came with risks—offending some viewers was almost inevitable. But as Nick explains, this was a necessary trade-off. "You have to be willing to piss some people off," he says. "But the funny thing is, you really start to attract more of the people you want."

This bold move paid off. In 2022, RP Strength gained nearly 200,000 YouTube subscribers. By 2023, that number surged to 600,000, and by December, they hit the 1 million mark. Incredibly, just six months later, they surpassed 2 million subscribers. That is a clear example of authenticity in YouTube Growth.

The Power of Free, Value-Based Content

Another key to RP Strength’s success was shifting from gated content to free, value-based marketing. Before the pandemic, much of their content was only available through a paid membership. However, in 2020, they made the strategic decision to start offering valuable fitness content for free on YouTube.

"It’s the idea of just giving away a bunch of value," Nick says. "Slowly but surely, we kept gaining more subscribers." By offering this free content, they attracted a massive audience of fitness enthusiasts, particularly those in their core demographic: intermediate and advanced fitness fanatics.

Their strategy didn’t stop with free videos. RP Strength created two specialized apps, the RP Diet Coach app and the RP Hypertrophy app, designed for serious fitness enthusiasts. These tools help the business monetize its loyal YouTube audience, proving that value-based content can lead to significant growth both online and financially.

Facing the Downsides of Fame

As RP Strength's popularity grew, so did the challenges. With millions of new followers come both praise and criticism. "As the sheer number of people that follow you goes up, you get lots of raving fans, but also more people that really don’t like you," Nick explains.

He emphasizes the importance of focusing on the positive, despite the occasional negativity.

"No business has ever had 100% perfection when it comes to reviews or ratings," Nick says. “You’ve got to stay focused on all the people that you are helping.”

For any entrepreneur navigating the social media landscape, this lesson is invaluable. The more exposure you get, the more divided the responses will be. But by staying true to your values and not letting the negativity bias affect you, the rewards far outweigh the challenges.

Supporting the Fitness Community

RP Strength’s growth isn’t just about scaling their business—it’s also about giving back. As Nick explains, "At the heart of what we do is helping people who want to get in shape and better their lives." The company now supports about ten research labs globally by donating funds to further fitness research. Additionally, they’ve established the RP Strength Foundation, which offers scholarships to students pursuing degrees in kinesiology and exercise science.

This focus on giving back not only strengthens their brand but also reinforces their authenticity in the fitness community. By supporting research and education, RP Strength lifts the fitness industry as a whole, creating a virtuous cycle of knowledge and growth.

Key Takeaways for Entrepreneurs

Nick Shaw’s journey with RP Strength offers invaluable insights for business owners looking to grow their social media presence:

1. Embrace Authenticity: Don’t be afraid to be yourself or let your brand’s personality shine. Authenticity attracts the right audience and fosters loyalty.

2. Don’t Fear Controversy: Trying to please everyone leads to watered-down content. Find your core audience and speak to them unapologetically.

3. Offer Value for Free: Giving away valuable content builds trust and grows your audience. Monetization will follow through loyal followers and specialized products.

4. Stay Focused on the Positive: As your following grows, so will negative feedback. Focus on the people you’re helping and the value you bring to your community.

Conclusion: Authenticity as a Growth Catalyst

Nick Shaw’s story demonstrates that embracing who you are—and who your brand is—can drive exponential growth. For entrepreneurs aiming to scale their business through social media, authenticity is the most powerful tool in your arsenal. So, find your voice, lean into it, and watch your audience grow.

For fitness enthusiasts, check out RP Strength’s YouTube channel for free, value-packed content, or explore their apps at If you're ready to take your fitness journey to the next level, RP Strength has everything you need to get started!


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